
Anthony Macgregor King

One steps through a doorway and into therapy for a host of reasons. Away from the hustle-bustle of the world, the therapeutic process unfolds. Seated comfortably, elsewhere, one becomes aware that one has been granted “permission to explore”.

I help in the exploring process. In the sorting through and the shifting. Sometimes guiding. Frequently reassuring. On occasion suggesting. If not commenting, then prompting. At times challenging. Always listening.

Out of a creative mixture of the shared work in the therapeutic dialogue, solutions emerge. In pragmatic terms, one learns to perceive and join up the dots that really matter. The result of a discussion of sorts, which has been mutually engaged on the incumbent hope of discovery.

I am a French trained Clinical Psychologist. I hold a Masters in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, specialised in trauma. I consult in both English and French.